Explore Oregon
About the Club
OSSC members and staff work with state and local government to develop, maintain and coordinate SxS roads and trails with federal, state and local government. OSSC along side the Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation seeks to sponsor projects that further riding opportunities for the SxS community funded by your subscriptions, state permit fees and state gas tax.
OSSC is a non-profit club which goals are safety, education and advocacy in the furtherance of the SxS community supported by your membership.
New Club Maps

Paulina Creek to Crescent 90 miles moderate trail.

Green Mountain Loop Map

This Map is a loop route centered around Summer Lake

Crescent to Diamond Lake Loop Map

Crane Prairie to Crescent Map

John Day River Trail Map
Maps are available FREE to MEMBERS ONLY 10,000+ miles of trails of SxS legal routes. Maps are published on both OnX Offroad and Avenza Maps apps.
Contact Us
Have a question or want to know more about our club? Feel free to reach out to us. We are here to assist you in any way we can.